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Blue Water Pottery

yhst-132015947435578-2270-52717950.jpgMy pots have always been about function. The lids on my jars must fit properly; a mug has to snuggle nicely into the hand. After function comes appearance. I draw inspiration from tidal movements and the sea and even manmade objects. My work references the subtle differences between these two environments: the man made and the natural. I use the contrast between the soft and luminous colors of nature and the at times virulently vivid colors of our cityscapes. The clay body itself showcases nature’s soft, growing, impermanent structures while simultaneously illustrating the harshness and longevity of man’s stone and metal constructions.

Nature’s changing and fluid ways are very apparent here in the northwest, and living with my wife Megan in Bellingham, Washington on our sailboat affords me inspiration every day. I want people who use my pottery to have their everyday lives enriched in the same way, whether it is by a favorite bowl or a handmade mug for coffee each morning. I have been a professional potter for eleven years, but I consider myself a craftsman first, and an artist second. My goal is to make affordable art that people can use to enhance everyday living. - Jeremy Noet